A Passionate Discovery (Self-Discovery Series) Page 2
"I told you you were making more of this than you needed to." Daniel smiled as he watched Carla’s face, and the expressions that crossed it. It was apparent to him that she was enjoying the show. "Carla I'm going to ask you to wear this while you're down here, so no one mistakes you for a submissive." He pulled a sterling silver bracelet from his pocket and waited for her to give her consent.
Reluctantly, Carla tore her eyes from the couple and nodded, still too shocked to speak. She held her hand out to Daniel and he slid the cool metal onto her wrist.
"If you feel like joining in," he grinned widely, showing a perfect smile, "just take it off."
"Um no, I think I'll just watch," she whispered as her face flushed bright red.
Daniel laughed deeply. "Shame." He pulled Scarlett into his arms and whispered into her ear, when he finished she walked away.
Carla was about to follow, until Daniel's voice stopped her. "Give her a few minutes, Carla, she's going to change." He smiled at her again and held out his arm.
She took his arm, feeling a little uncomfortable not having Scarlett with her, and he led her over to a long leather couch. He motioned for her to sit and then joined her. "Listen, Carla, this was a huge step for Scarlett, so I hope you're okay with this."
"I love Scarlett like a sister; I'm not sure about all this," she whispered softly, not wanting to be heard by the other guests, "but if this is what she wants, I'll support her."
"I'm glad she has a friend like you then. Just one more thing; we don't talk about this room." His voice turned stern. "I'm sure you understand that we all have lives outside of what you see here. Scarlett assured me we could trust you, and I trust her completely."
For reasons she didn't understand, his change in tone made her nervous and she nodded quickly. "I promise I won't speak about it." She hated how the intensity in his eyes made her voice shake.
"Good." He smiled warmly, the earlier demanding tone gone from his voice. "Who knows, maybe you'll discover it's something you'd like to try."
Carla’s eyes widened at his comment and she shook her head quickly. The response made him laugh and she blushed deeply again. She clenched her hands tight in her lap and lowered her eyes; she was in so far over her head she couldn’t see the surface anymore and her heart was pounding painfully in her chest.
Scarlett returned then and Carla was startled to see she was completely nude, except for a slim black leather collar. Strangely enough, Carla had to admit her friend had never looked more beautiful. Scarlett had always been gorgeous, with her long legs, beautiful face and long, silky blonde, hair, but she appeared almost humble this way, with a slight flush to her porcelain skin. It suited her, Carla thought to herself.
Scarlett knelt at Daniel’s feet, thrusting her breasts up proudly, a content smile on her face. "May I speak, Master?" she whispered the question respectfully.
"Yes you can, babe." Daniel reached out a hand and lightly caressed her hair.
"Are we okay, Carla?" Her eyes lifted to her friend’s, desperate for her to understand that this what she needed.
"Scarlett, I could never not love you." She smiled, fighting the blush that rose to her cheeks at her friend’s position. "If this is what you truly want, then you have my blessing." She meant it, she thought to herself as she kept her eyes on her friend’s face, not wanting to look at the body on display.
"This really means a lot to me, Carla, I would never want to jeopardize our friendship, but it's been very hard hiding the truth from you." A relieved sigh left her lips; it had taken her two years to get up the nerve to share her secret lifestyle with her friend.
"Carla, I'd like to play with my pet, if you're comfortable being here." Daniel smiled and glanced down at Scarlett with a heated glance.
"I'm fine." Though she wouldn’t have admitted it if she had been asked, she was curious to know what her friend did.
"Thank you." Daniel smiled and stood up. "If you get too overwhelmed, please feel free to return to the buffet upstairs." He held out his hand to Scarlett and she stood to follow him across the room.
Left to her own devices, Carla glanced around the room through lowered lashes. She had to bite back a gasp as she noticed a couple on a strange looking bench. The male partner had the female bound by her hands and legs and was taking her forcefully from behind. She turned her eyes away quickly, feeling as if she were invading their privacy.
All around her people were engaged in sensual acts of pleasure and pain; the smells of sex and leather were inescapable. She had no idea why, but she found herself getting excited, and had to cross her legs to stop the strange feelings between her thighs. Her eyes found Daniel and Scarlett and she thought her heart would stop.
Scarlett was tied to what looked like a cross, her beautiful body stretched taut as Daniel lashed her back forcefully with a strange whip made from dozens of thick leather straps. Carla couldn’t take her eyes from the sight; her friend’s moans of pleasure had her body tingling in ways she'd never known before.
She'd always thought Scarlett was beautiful, and wondered about her own sexuality because of it, since men didn’t turn her on. She and Scarlett had talked about it and she had discovered her friend enjoyed both sexes. They’d never done anything but talk however; Carla had been too scared of risking her friendship.
Feeling the strange wetness between her legs she stood quickly and hurried for the stairs, needing to get out of the room for a moment. She was in such a hurry she almost slammed into the tall man walking down the stairs. "I'm sorry," she whispered in embarrassment, raising her eyes to find herself looking into one of the most beautiful faces she’d ever encountered.
"Leaving so soon, princess." His dark blue eyes were filled with humor as he reached his arms down to steady the slight girl before him. She looked barely old enough to drink, much less be playing in his dungeon.
"I, I just need a drink." Forcing her eyes away from his gorgeous face, Carla tried to catch her breath. Holy sin, he was beautiful she thought, her eyes resting on his chest, which was covered by a gray shirt that looked ready to burst at the seams.
A slight smirk appeared on his face as he noticed her staring at his chest, and then his eyes lowered to the bracelet on her wrist in disappointment. "You must be Scarlett's friend." Too bad, he thought, she would have been a nice diversion to a stressful week.
Forcing her eyes back to his face, she couldn't stop the shiver of awareness that moved through her. The man was absolute perfection. His dark wavy hair had her longing to run her fingers through it; the impulse startled her. What she had witnessed was screwing with her mind, she thought, surprised by the desire that struck her. "Yes I am, and I really need to get out of here for a few minutes." Not meaning to be rude she swept by him and quickly walked up the stairs, pushing through the door.
She couldn't breathe, and the last thing she wanted was to hurt Scarlett's feelings. Her heart was racing and her body was feeling things that made no sense to her; for reasons she couldn’t explain she felt like crying. Finding her way to the buffet she opened one of the bottles of champagne and filled a glass to the rim; she wasn’t normally a drinker, but just then she felt a powerful need for alcohol. She hoped it would calm her down and help her to make sense of things.
She took a deep gulp of the bubbly liquid and coughed as it went down too quickly, choking her. What was wrong with her, she wondered miserably. It wasn’t exactly a normal day for her, but she was a sensible woman, not a child, and there was no reason for her to freak out because she got turned on watching people being beaten. Fighting mentally with herself, she took another big gulp of the champagne.
"Are you okay?" The girl wasn't part of his world, and it was clear she had been upset by what she'd seen. He had warned Daniel that bringing someone like her into their world was not a good idea.
Carla jumped and spilled the glass of champagne down the front of her dress. Grabbing a cloth napkin, she blotted away the dampness as tears fell from her eyes. "I'm fine." N
ow she was acting like a blubbering idiot, on top of obviously being a sex fiend who was turned on by the scenes downstairs.
“Calm down, sweetheart." Without even knowing why he did it, he walked over and pulled the girl's small form into his arms. She stiffened and he was about to let her go when she wrapped her arms around him and held on tight, sobbing.
For the first time in his life, Jason was at a loss as to what to do. The only thing he could think of was to hold her against his chest until her sobs subsided.
What was she doing? She felt horrified with her actions as she pushed out of the stranger's arms. "I'm s-sorry," she whimpered pitifully, having no idea what had come over her. He smelled so good and she was surprised to find she wanted to throw herself back into his arms, even as her face burned in embarrassment.
Looking down at her petite form he found himself thinking she looked like a doll, despite the tears that filled her beautiful eyes. She was definitely a beauty he thought. "Mind telling me what's wrong? Maybe I can help." He smiled in an effort to lighten her mood; a crying woman that wasn't kneeling at his feet was something he had little experience with.
When he smiled, she felt as though the breath had been knocked from her body and she trembled in awareness. "I, um, well." She was so embarrassed that she couldn't form a coherent thought, let alone express it. It didn't help that he was drop-dead gorgeous. She parted her lips to try and speak, but all that escaped was a sigh of longing.
He chuckled deeply, surprised to feel his cock twitch as she stared at him like something she wanted to devour. He was a man, but women didn’t normally turn him on unless they were kneeling and calling him master. "Sweetheart, if you keep looking at me like that, this conversation is going to take place in my bedroom."
"I, I was- wasn't looking at…" Her cheeks burned even hotter, if that was possible, and she covered her face with her hands. Could the humiliation get any worse, she thought to herself? After twenty-four years she had finally found a man desirable, and she was making a complete idiot of herself.
"Hey, none of that." With another chuckle he reached up and pulled her hands from her face. "I'm flattered, sweetheart." She stared up at him, and it was easy for him to see that he made her nervous. That was a big turn on, but he knew from Daniel that this girl was pretty vanilla, unless she'd been hiding secrets of her own from her friend; he hoped like hell that was the case.
"So what did you think of my dungeon?" He had to know the answer. As sexy as she was, if she neither played in his world nor had any interest in it he wouldn't pursue things any further.
"You're Ja-Jason." Carla groaned softly, realizing she had not only made a fool of herself, but she had done so in front of the house's owner. She was out of her element with a man in the first place, but a man like him, there was no way she could even think about him in a romantic way.
"You didn't answer my question." He was getting impatient. He wanted to play and his body was demanding she be his toy.
"It's, well, um, it's unusual." She lowered her eyes to her feet, not sure how to explain what being in that room made her feel.
"Have you ever seen a dungeon before?" He knew the answer before she said anything, it was obvious she had never been anywhere like his dungeon in her life and he was overcome with disappointment; she obviously wasn't going to be joining him as his pet that night.
"No, b-but I think I'd like to w-watch again." She had no idea why she admitted that to him, or why she’d stuttered, but she figured there was nothing else for her to lose; she’d already made a complete fool of herself by crying all over his shirt.
"So you enjoyed what you saw?" If the girl was interested, he was more than happy to tutor her, he thought with a smile of anticipation.
"Y-yes. N-no." She looked up at him, more confused than she could remember being. “Maybe.” His eyes were so inviting, she wondered what it would feel like to stare into those depths all night.
"Maybe we should go take another look, just to be sure." He winked at her and held out his hand. He was a little surprised when she put her trembling hand in his but he smiled. If she enjoyed the view tonight, he had plans to invite her back, and if she didn't, well that would just be that, he thought to himself. The thought of her not enjoying herself didn't sit well with him at all.
The atmosphere in the dungeon had sunk into sensual darkness as she followed him back downstairs. She glanced around at the couples who were making love in various positions; the sounds of orgasm that flowed around the room made her shiver with anticipation. Her eyes found Scarlett and she bit hard on her lip to stop a gasp as she watched her friend.
Jason led Carla over to the couch and sat beside her, gauging her reaction as she watched her friend. Scarlett had been chained to the St. Andrews cross and was being fucked forcefully with a vibrator. He took in how Carla crossed her legs and squirmed visibly in her seat, and smiled, knowing that the scene was turning her on. His smile widened as her small hands grasped the couch and her nails dug into the leather.
"Do you wish you were her?" He leaned over and whispered the question quietly in her ear.
Turning her shocked gaze to him she realized their lips were scant inches apart; unconsciously she wet hers. Her breath caught in her throat and she opened her mouth, but again she was rendered speechless.
"I could see you up there, spread-eagled, your tight little ass begging to be spanked." He enjoyed the emotions that crossed her face, and the slight trembling of her lips. His hand lifted and his fingers moved over her lips. "I could also see you down on your knees, using that pretty little mouth for what it was made for." His index finger traced the texture of her lips, making her gasp.
Applying a touch of pressure he slid his finger between her lips, making her eyes widen at the invasion. Without thought she closed her lips around his finger and her tongue swirled over the long digit. The salty-sweet taste of him made her moan softly. He pushed his finger in deeper and then slowly withdrew it until just the tip remained; instinctively she sucked on it in an effort to prevent its departure.
He felt his cock lengthen and reluctantly pulled his finger from her lips. "Watch the show, princess," he told her, sitting back; he needed to get his body under control, if he didn’t he wasn’t going to be able to resist the urge to strip her dress off and bend her sexy little ass over the couch. He wasn't sure she was ready to be put on display publicly and that thought was enough to cool his ardor, for the moment at least.
Blushing deeply she stared at him, confused, as her heart raced wildly. Mortified she turned away, her eyes moving to the scenes surrounding her as she tried to calm herself. Her body ached with unfilled desire as the sounds of passion swept over her. Without understanding why, she felt jealous of the women enjoying such pleasure. She swallowed convulsively as the sounds continued and clasped her hands together tightly in her lap in an effort to stop her body trembling.
Her breath was escaping in short little pants when she turned back to look at Jason. The longing in his eyes almost made her come undone and she was shocked that it was her he was looking at that way. He looked almost hungry, like he wanted to devour her; it both excited and terrified her. "Ja-Jason," she whispered pleadingly, not even sure what she wanted.
"Watch the show, sweetheart, you and I will talk later." He pulled his heated gaze away from hers, hoping like hell she heeded his advice. If she didn't she was going to find herself being taken on the ride of her life; he had never wanted anyone beneath him as badly in his life.
She pulled her eyes from his by sheer will alone. Something in her soul told her that she'd better be damn sure he was what she wanted before she opened her mouth again. She didn't know if it was the setting they were in, but there was something about the man beside her that made her ache to do things she’d never even thought of before.
The scenes that had shocked her earlier when she first entered the dungeon were now playing in her mind, fueling her imagination. She wanted to feel his hands on her body, to feel
free and to find fulfillment like the others in the room were.
Even the sight of the people being beaten or tortured with strange toys was feeding her libido. She'd never before thought that pleasure could co-exist with pain. Who was she kidding, she thought to herself as she continued to watch the various couples, she'd never really thought much about sex, before that night she'd had almost no interest in it. Confusion and need played around her mind and she knew that never again would she believe herself incapable of feeling.
When Scarlett and Daniel finally joined them, Carla was on a high she didn't know how to explain to her. Without thinking she pulled Scarlett into her arms and hugged her tight, not wanting to let her go.
Scarlett hugged her back, baffled by her friend's behavior. "You okay, honey?" She stroked her back lightly with one hand, while with the other she held her close. Her eyes looked over Carla's shoulder at Daniel, not knowing what to say or do.
Carla nodded, but didn't let go of her friend, she felt as though she was lost in a strange world, and Scarlett was her only harbor. Her body trembled uncontrollably, and for the second time that night she found herself fighting back tears that she couldn't understand.
"Master, I think I should take Carla home." Scarlett had no idea what was wrong with her friend, but it was apparent she was freaked out by what she had seen.
"I think before that happens you should all join me in my study." Jason turned to Daniel and smiled knowingingly.
Scarlett didn't want to go against Jason, he was her Master's best friend, but talking didn't seem like the best idea just then. "Master, I really think she needs to go home." She didn't understand why Daniel was smiling, when it was obvious that Carla couldn't handle the things she’d witnessed tonight.
"Take Carla up to Jason's office, pet, and we'll join you in a moment." He smiled, but his tone made it clear that she was to follow his orders.
Scarlett wasn’t happy with Daniel as she worked her way free of the death grip Carla had on her neck, but she realized then was not the time to talk to him about his order. "Come on honey; let's get you out of the dungeon." She spoke soothingly to Carla, like she was a child instead of her best friend.